
As described below, Tom has had significant involvement in the communities in which he has lived:

Asheville, North Carolina (2005-present)

  • Committee member and participant, National Day of Prayer (Prayer event for Asheville and Buncombe County).
  • Elder, Board member, and associate pastor, Resurrection Christian Center, Weaverville, North Carolina (A non-denominational, evangelical, Bible-based church) (2005-2014).
  • Leader, in a start-up ministry effort to work for unity in the Body of Christ, and revival and transformation in Asheville and Buncombe County (2016-present).
  • Asheville Mennonite Church (2017-present).

San Jose, California (pre 2005)

  • Member, Fellowship Ministries, non-denominational Christian church,1978-2005 (Associate Pastor, Pastor (1998-2005).
  • Member, Community Board Advisory Committee, Milpitas Unified School District, 1991-1995.
  • Member, School Site Council, Randall Elementary School, 1991-1995.
  • Volunteer, CityTeam Ministries (a Christian ministry involved in outreach to the needy), 1995-1998.
  • Volunteer, Love in the Name of Christ of Santa Clara County (Love INC.) (a local affiliate of National Christian benevolence ministry) 1998-2005; Member, Board of Directors, 2002-2005, Board President, 2004-2005.
  • Chairman, National Day of Prayer prayer event, San Jose City Hall, 1996-2005.
  • Member, Christian Legal Society; President, Santa Clara County Chapter, 1998-2005.
  • Chairman, Committee of Silicon Valley Man and Woman of Year Fundraiser, and Fundraiser Participant, Leukemia Lymphoma Society, 2000.
  • Plaintiff's Attorney, Alvarado v. City of San Jose, a constitutional case in federal court challenging the Quetzalcoatl statue in downtown San Jose, including appeal and argument before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, 1994-1996